Tuesday, February 07, 2006

gotta know when to hold 'em

I guess its no secret poker has taken America by storm. Needless to say Im one of the fold. I did start playing just shortly before it really exploded but I didn't beat it by much. I have always been intrigued by poker but I never really knew that much about it before about 3 years ago. Im a net winner at poker since day one, but it is the intricate love/hate relationship I have with the game that makes things difficult. Poker really is a game with a lot of emotion, the key is to limit your response to it when you play. When playing online its easy to blow up, because no one at the table can see it, but in a live game situation that isn't the case. I find it much easier for that reason to keep my cool in a live game, even though I have gotten visibly bent and obviously angry at times. Why? Why get mad? I have blown up 1,000 times at my computer when some guy sucks out a runner runner flush on my set of queens. He didn't pair the board, he didn't have a draw... he only had two outs.. a hope, and a prayer, oh and that one thing..."a feeling". So why get mad, these are the guys Im hoping to play against, these are the guys that make me a net winner. Im not owed a win with my trip queens just because I hit!
Well I haven't been playing poker online except for the free roll tournaments that are nearly impossible to get into. I have limited myself to a weekly $5 buy in tournament that is a live game. Its way more fun than playing a computer screen. I cant make much money there, but for entertainment, you cant beat the price.
I have always loved games, and I think Im just infatuated with poker especially Hold 'em and 7Stud HL. Just shuffling the chips waiting for that first card to be slid under my fingertips... watching the cards being dealt, then getting that second card right over the top of the first. The big moment comes for most people when you get to look at your hand, but my game starts way before that ever happens. I take a look at everyone at the table to see what they are doing, trying to get into their head even before anyone can call the big blind. I bet people never thought 52 cards could be so complicated, but poker like an onion has many layers. Playing against most people there is no use to get into the psychological game really. At the low limits I play its virtually worthless, because they just don't pay that much attention to the game. However I do think people are coming around for the most part. People are catching up to what good play is in general, and knowing what hands are good, but they still don't know how to use the information they have. This is where knowledge begins to be the downfall for a player, they realize their previous luck and try to correct with a better game only to see their new found knowledge create their demise. Why does it happen like this and how can it be corrected? Well I don't know why it happens and Im going to let you find out how to correct it for yourself. Good luck with that onion head!
Anyway I enjoy the game. It is mentally rewarding even if I lose, especially if I know I have made good reads and laydowns and lose anyway. Sometimes the cards just don't work and that is the nature of the game. I didn't get a single good hand at the last game I played in but I still made 3rd. Actually I got AK once and everyone folded to my raise. I have only played with these guys 3 times and I think I have all of them but one down. I have been getting 3rd in every game I have played with these guys and they only pay top two.
I miss playing with Kyle and Dawn and all those guys on the weekends. Those were some really fun games. Kyle is still one of the trickiest players I have ever played against which is why I like playing with him. I hope he noticed I hardly ever got in many hands with him for that reason. The others haven't really caught on to that aspect of the game yet. I just let Kyle do what he does and stay out of his way unless I have a hand. Kyle is very good at going all in, and everyone hates him for that. I think its funny that they still insist on trying to out play him. Funny thing is, he has them so off, they fold when they should call, and call when they should fold. I don't know if he is doing it on purpose or if it just happens that way!! I LOVE IT! He has the best table image. I could lament for days about this. I have a lot to learn from the way Kyle plays, is there a method to his madness?
Every players game fascinates me. Im going to try some of the crazy stuff Kyle does in the next home game and I will let you know how it goes.
I know my thoughts are a little jumpy so forgive me if a sentence just seems out of place.


Blogger ~*~ amanda ~*~ said...

You are a wonderful writer, and I'm so glad to see the Virtuosity blog back on. Click! I admire the way you think about poker. You are so good at it, except for that little thing about throwing stuff when you get a bad beat. But I am proud of you for limiting yourself, and I'm glad you found some "real" people to play with. I miss D&K too. They were so much fun. Lets go visit them and Keiran this summer, k? Love you as much as my heart can bare. bear? dang...

12:00 PM  
Blogger Kyle Wood said...

You give me way too much credit. I just try to remember what you taught me and ignore it every once in awhile when I get a wild hair. I have to admit though that I have toned it down a lot mostly from seeing you shaking your head when I did something boneheaded. I just do it for the fun and to make other people freak out, I guess. I miss you guys and hope to see you ASAP. You guys need to get here after Kieran's out and about.

5:02 PM  

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