Nothing much has happened really. I dominated the poker game this past week going 1st,1st,2nd in the games. Its about time some of my hands held up, and I simply just out played a few of the guys. They didn't have a chance. Poker is as interesting as usual. Bad beats, gutshots all that junk, and good hands holding up. I haven't really ever been into playing the NL cash games online. I have just started playing those, and Im doing pretty good there. It can be summed up as an hour of boredom with 3 minutes of excitement. Its amazing some of the confrontations that happen in these games. People try to limp with anything looking to bust and unsuspecting player.
On a personal note, things are okay. I don't have a job right now, that is the only thing really dragging me down. Poker is fun, but Im just not at the level to be able to make a living playing. Its nice little bonus money. My medication seems to be working. Im hoping there will be some more improvement over the next couple weeks in regards to my attitude and stuff.
You ever have those times where certain words just look funny. How can it be spelled like that? Is that how it is spelled? Or when words just sound weird to say. It could be boredom or exhaustion.
My friend Andy and I have this thing. Its hard to explain what it is, but when it happens we always say "its like the brakes". Its kind of like, when you both know what you are talking about but you really cant explain it. Actually that may not be a close enough explanation for it. Its different.. Its just like the brakes!! Well it came about when he and I were teenagers goofing around with our bikes (this happened on a daily basis). Anyway we were talking about the brakes but neither one of us could explain to the other what we were talking about, but we both knew what it was we couldn't say. Make sense? So we coined the phrase,"its like the brakes".
More randomness to come, is randomness a word? That really looks funny. My life is pretty boring for the most part. TV, movies, computer, video games, going to the mailbox. IM A BUM! I really don't want a job honestly. I feel like Peter Gibbons from Office Space. Ron Livingston just kills me. Well one of my favorite parts is when he jus quits his job. Im not sure if he actually quit, he just didn't give a crap and did what he wanted. Anyway he is having lunch with Jennifer Anistons character and they start talking about work. He tells her he isn't going back to work. She asked if his boss would be mad or something, he says, "probably". Just, "probably". lol. And what about bills? "I never liked paying those anyway". Now that is some funny junk. I just don't really care too much about things anymore. I feel like I have just been ran over 10 times. Its hard to move after you have been ran over 10 times.
I think randomness is a word after all. Hey its late okay. I promise Im not a complete idiot. On a brighter note, I saw The Graduate. You know the old movie with Dustin Hoffman. Well its pretty much rain man getting action by a 47yr old chick for most of the movie. Really horrible acting if you ask me, I don't see why it is such a classic. I guess you have to see it though. I have heard Mrs. Robinson in song form or just in name so much recently. If I never hear it in the next 100 years it will be too soon.
Okay lets see if I can write a poem, I haven't done that in a while, so lets see what I can do. Here goes nothing.
My feelings bleed to paper.
Through my pen and back again,
until Im a little safer.
It spreads.
It makes a mockery of me,
but its all in my head.
My feelings need the paper.
The ink is the skin my feelings live in,
I am their creator.
Its heavy.
They made a mockery of me,
so I stopped shedding.
-Christopher T. Campbell
DONE! That was pretty easy. Get some juices flowing. Im not sure about the title though. You know the title is important, so I may have to change that.
SO, its late again, really late. Im bored, my medicine keeps me awake. I have to go force myself to sleep now. PEACE OUT!