Sunday, July 31, 2005

I feel dizzy.. I can never get enough sleep, yet I can't go to sleep because my legs hurt. My eyes are sticky. My muscles twitch constantly. My mind is never quiet.. My mind is NEVER quiet. My ears ring nonstop. Im not as smart as I was. My existance seems to scream at me. My knee is swollen. I think too much but nothing comes of it. My eyes are broken.
I don't like to be a negative person but it seems to be my nature. I don't know how, or why it started. Im sloppy. Im cluttered.
What is this about? Its about me, welcome to me, and I dont know where I am. Which way is up? Where am I? What am I doing?
I know Im not alone in the way I feel. I just hate feeling like this because it makes life feel so stupid. Maybe you caught me in a weird funky mood today. I need to lighten up!